There will be two run-offs for Georgia appellate seats. Justice David Nahmias, who was appointed to finish the term of Justice Leah Sears, won 48.2% of the votes. He will be in a run-off against Tammy Lynn Adkins, who achieved 35.2% of the vote in spite of the fact that she did not run a campaign. Justice Nahmias’s more vocal opponent, Matt Wilson, was able to eek out only 16.6% of the votes. Mr. Wilson ran an aggressive campaign, where he attempted to cast Justice Nahmias as a bureaucrat and Washington insider with little regard for individual rights. It will be interesting to see if Ms. Adkins begins campaigning in the upcoming run-off election or if not running a campaign will continue to pay-off
Campaigning has had an impact in the race for the Georgia Court of Appeals, also headed for a runoff. Antoinette “Toni” Davis garnered 25.5 percent of the votes to Chris McFadden’s 22.6%. Election results are available on the Georgia Secretary of State’s website. Mr. McFadden was endorsed as most qualified by Georgia lawyers polled by the State Bar of Georgia. Ms. Davis picked up key endorsements by two Georgia newspapers and several prominent judges and other office holders in Georgia.